Linux Administration

 > Skills >  Linux Administration
Linux Systems Administration

CentOS 6, 7 & 8; Ubuntu Desktop and Server editions from 12-22; Debian; Kali; CloudLinux; Android; Fedora and More.

CentOS & Ubuntu/Debian Servers –
I have experience spinning up fresh servers, performing the basic setup tasks such as partitioning, setting up non-root user with sudo, performing updates and upgrades, installing packages, and configuring logs
Software installation and configuration such as rsync, SSH, FTPd and KVM Hypervisor
Experience setting up fully functional LAMP/LEMP stacks for production environments
Installation of management systems and control panels such as cPanel, DirectAdmin, Virtualmin, Webmin, Plesk, ServerPilot, and various other PHP-based software suites

Post-intrusion analysis, log management, and disaster recovery.
Backup management via rsync/sftp/ssh
Performance monitoring using htop package
MariaDB, MySQL, PHP, nginx, Apache, postfix, spamassassin, and analytics.

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